This section details the various adventures the characters have undertaken

Game 1

1st Pharast 4708, Starday

                  Flowers meet at Zallora’s

                  First Harrow reading

                  Death of Gaedran Lamm

                  King Eodred Dies

Game 2

                  Riots in Korvosa

                 Flowers head to Old Korvosa

                 Meet Grau Soldado

                  4 thieves are killed

                  Meet Mimsi, Roshi, Devlin& Sirius

                 Alice from Ruby’s meets Taylan

2nd Pharast

                  Meet the Queen & Sabina Merrin

                  Meet Cressida Croft

Game 3

                  Taylan summoned by Master Roshi

                 All the World’s Meat

                 Get Varik drunk and back to Cressida

                  They keep his silver dagger

                  Croft asks them to keep watch on the butchers


Game 4

3rd to 6th Pharast

                  The flowers watch the butchers

                  And go about their business

7th Pharast

                  The Flowers attempt subterfuge to enter the butchers

                  Taylin gets a daddy!!            

8th Pharast

                  The Flowers deal with the butchers

                  Shiv appears

                 They return to Cressida and are asked to deal with the King of Spiders

Game 5

                  Conversation with Vencarlo

 9th Pharast

                 Meet with Delvargo King of Spiders

                  Fight an Otyough

                 At lunch after dropping off the letter from the spider king to Cressida

                  They discuss calling themselves the Flowers

                  They “Talk” to Trevor

10th – 11th Pharast

                 They go about their business

12th Pharast

                  They catch Trinia & deliver her to Cressida

                 The Group are named The Flowers of Korvosa


Game 5.1

13th Pharast

                 Calli, Taylan & Nightingale prepare

14th Pharast

                 The Birthday party

                 Meet the flame

                  Out of game

15th Pharast

                 The Flowers go about their business


Game 5.2

16th Pharast

                 Trevor and Byron meet at the Cracked Weasel

                  They meet Grau

                 Trevor & Byron deal with the Church of the Golden Circle

 Out of game

17th Pharast

                  The Flowers go about their business


Game 5.3

18th Pharast

                  Trevor & Nightingale after scouting out Eel’s End make a move

                  Death of the King of Spiders


Game 5.4

 18th Pharast

                  Calli & Taylan steal something for Master Roshi


Out of game

                  19th – 20th Pharast

                  The Flowers go about their business


Game 5.5

21st Pharast

                  Calli & Byron go shopping

                 They rescue Portia and buy things from the Black Market


Game 6.1

                 At the same time

                 Nightingale searches for masks!!


Game 6

22nd Pharast

                  The Flowers meet up again except Nightingale

                  Trevor and Byron hear dogs

                  The Dead warrens Pt 1


Game 7

                 Nightingale joins the flowers

                  Dead Warren Pt 2

                  Rescue of Trinia from execution by Black Jack


Game 8

                  Same day

                  Zellora’s second reading

23rd to 26th Pharast

                  Nightingale learns spells

                  Calli tries to sort Zellora’s

                  Byron works and prepares a fight

                  Trevor – Peace and normality


27th Pharast

                  Letters from Mimsi, Orsinni & Meliya Arkona



                  Grey Maidens start recruiting overtly

                  Calli feels she is being watched

                  They take Trinia out of the city


Game 9

28th Pharast

                  Back to the city and collect Taylan 

29th – 30th Pharast

                  The Flowers go about their business

31st Pharast

                  Grau comes to the Cracked Weasel asking for help for his niece

1st Gozran

                  Ishani heals Taylin and Brienna (the niece)

                  Plague comes to Korvosa

                  Plague doctors & Grey Maidens properly appear

                  Dr D appears

                  They visit the wreck of the Direption and fight a hag


Game 10

2nd Gozran

                  The Flowers go about their business

3rd Gozran

                  Plague Rats adventure

                  Old Korvosa Quarantined

Game 10.1 /10.2

                  Trevor and Byron arrive in old Korvosa

                  Calli, Nightingale and Taylan go to Nif (Memory games)

4th Gozran

                  Trevor and Byron escape old Korvosa with others

                  Calli, Nightingale and Taylan go into the ghoul warrens

Game 11

5th Gozran

                  All go to Lavenders – The colour of Death

                  Merciless Way Massacre is prevented